5 artículos imprescindibles para su viaje familiar a Stone Mountain

One of the best things to do with family in Atlanta is a visit to Stone Mountain Park! Located just outside of Atlanta, you are still close enough to the convenience of city life and yet also surrounded by some of the most beautiful natural areas in the whole state of Georgia. Stone Mountain Park is a great place to visit with families because there is such a wide variety of activities and attractions that suit every age and interest. From hiking to putt-putt to riding a cable car to the top of the mountain and back, there are plenty of things to do with the family at Stone Mountain. When you plan a trip to this fun and family-friendly park, here are some must-bring items you won’t want to forget!

Qué llevar en su viaje familiar a Stone Mountain

Entendemos que puede requerir mucho esfuerzo sacar a la familia por la puerta y subirla al automóvil para vivir una aventura familiar divertida. Por eso hemos hecho una lista de los cinco artículos imprescindibles para tu viaje familiar a Stone Mountain.

1. Portabebés

Si tienes pequeños, ¡un portabebés o un cochecito pueden ayudarte! Hay muchos caminos pavimentados para empujar a los niños en un cochecito mientras usted da un agradable paseo o hace ejercicio por uno de los muchos senderos. Un portabebés es útil para los padres que desean llevar a sus hijos mientras recorren el Walk-Up Trail para llegar a la cima de Stone Mountain.

2. Botellas de agua

Las botellas de agua son útiles cuando vas a hacer una caminata o a dar un paseo por el parque. Hay tantas áreas excelentes para explorar con su familia y usted querrá asegurarse de mantenerse hidratado durante todo el camino. Lleve consigo algunas botellas de agua o compre refrigerios en los numerosos restaurantes y bares disponibles en todo el parque.

3. Aperitivos

Ya sea que planee disfrutar de un poco de diversión bajo el sol en Memorial Lawn o visitar el área de juegos infantiles, los refrigerios pueden ayudar a mantener a los niños alimentados y entretenidos entre actividades. Traiga un picnic al parque Stone Mountain o compre algunos refrigerios en uno de los bares convenientemente ubicados. ¡Incluso hay un snack bar en la cima de Stone Mountain para cuando tengas apetito subiendo a la cima!

4. Manta

Traiga una o dos mantas para que toda la familia se recueste y disfrute de un hermoso día en la naturaleza. Memorial Lawn es un lugar popular para extender una manta y disfrutar viendo el Lasershow Spectacular nocturno. También hay muchos lugares hermosos por todo el parque donde puedes tumbarte sobre una manta y respirar el aire fresco.

5. Zapatillas

¡Las zapatillas deportivas o los zapatos cómodos para caminar son imprescindibles para un viaje exitoso a Stone Mountain Park! Con tantas actividades al aire libre para ver y hacer, querrás asegurarte de que tus pies se mantengan cómodos para poder explorar todo en Stone Mountain.

Lugares familiares para explorar alrededor de Stone Mountain

Hay muchos lugares familiares para explorar alrededor de Stone Mountain. Aquí hay tres ideas sobre por dónde empezar cuando planifique un viaje familiar al Parque Stone Mountain:

Caminatas para toda la familia

There are six main trails spread out across Stone Mountain Park with varying levels of difficulty. Stone Mountain Park is over 3,000 acres and includes forests, lakes, rocky areas, and Stone Mountain itself. Check out the trail guide to find a hike that will suit your family best. Family-friendly hikes for those with little ones will appreciate the Sendero de jardines naturales y Sendero del hábitat de los pájaros cantores, both of which take place on a dirt path that is easy to maneuver. Families interested in a bit of a challenge will also enjoy the experience of climbing to the top of Stone Mountain via the Sendero para caminar.

Espectáculo de luces y drones Music Across America

El Espectáculo de luces y drones is a breathtaking display of sound and light that takes place on Memorial Lawn once the sun goes down. A choreographed series of lights project images onto the side of the mountain with iconic songs, fireworks, flame effects, and more!

Área de cruce de caminos

The Crossroads Area features some of the main attractions at Stone Mountain Park, including Gran Locomotora Chase Adventure Golf, Dinotorio, a 4D Theater, and Skyride en la cumbre.

Traiga a toda la familia a Stone Mountain Park para un viaje que nunca olvidará, ¡y no olvide llevar estos artículos imprescindibles para que su visita sea un éxito!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is there a recommended age range for children’s activities?

Stone Mountain Park offers a variety of activities suitable for all ages. However, some attractions may have age or height restrictions for safety reasons. It’s best to check the specific requirements for each attraction on the park’s website or contact their customer service.

What are the food options available inside the park?

Stone Mountain Park ofrece una range of dining options, from snack bars and fast-food outlets to sit-down restaurants. Visitors can also bring their own picnic, as there are designated picnic areas throughout the park.

Are there any first aid stations in the park?

Yes, All First Aid will be provided by Stone Mountain Park’s Department of Public Safety. First aid personnel are certified EMT’s (Emergency Medical Technicians.) If you should have a medical emergency, please contact the nearest team member, who will notify Public Safety. You may also contact them directly at 770-413-5333 (emergency), or 770-498-5675 (non-emergency).

Are there any lodging or camping facilities in the park?

Stone Mountain Park offers a variety of lodging options, including the Stone Mountain Inn, campgrounds with tent and RV sites, and yurt rentals. Details and reservations can be made through their website.

Are pets allowed in Stone Mountain Park?

Yes, dogs and cats are welcome to visit the Park. They must be kept on a leash no longer than 6 feet and they are not allowed in many of the public areas including Memorial Lawn, the Walk Up Trail, or Special Events Areas. Pets also are not allowed within ticketed areas or on the attractions. We do not have animal boarding at Stone Mountain Park. However, you may contact the Stone Mountain Vets at 770-469-6112 or Main Street Veterinarians at 770-498-4620. These organizations provide boarding for animals and are located close to Stone Mountain Park. However, these organizations are not affiliated with or endorsed by Stone Mountain Park.
