Yellow Daisy Festival

Yellow Daisy Festival Crafter Application

Thank you for your interest in the Yellow Daisy Festival. The festival is a juried festival and the application deadline has been extended through March 28.

The 2025 Yellow Daisy Festival will be held Thursday, September 4 through Sunday, September 7, 2025.

Click here to apply for the 2025 Yellow Daisy Festival

The Yellow Daisy Festival features some of the Nation’s finest artists and crafters. A wide variety of unique creations, live music, and fantastic festival food are offered throughout the festival venue. The Yellow Daisy Festival, in prior years, has been selected as the #1 Predominantly Classic and Contemporary Craft Show in the Nation by Sunshine Artist Magazine, compared to over 10,000 shows.

The Yellow Daisy Festival is a JURIED SHOW and the decision of the Jury is final. Withdrawal at any time must be in writing and signed by the applicant to be official and remain in good standing for consideration for future event participation, and to receive a refund of fees paid, less the $50 non-refundable jury fee. Cancellation by application after jury and exhibition selection or after the application deadline (Extended to March 28, 2025, at midnight) will result in the loss of all fees.

The application process is as follows:

  • Extended to March 28, 2025, midnight:
    Applications with full payment ($50 non-refundable jury fee and booth site fee) are due to the event organizers. This payment is processed and deposited, but does NOT imply that you have been accepted to the festival. If you are not accepted into the show, your booth site fee is refunded only.
  • March 2025:
    The Yellow Daisy Festival Jury meets to select festival participants. The jury is composed of a panel of experienced artists, show producers, and former crafters. Selection is based on quality and skill in workmanship; original, creative, unique, and relevant ideas; attractiveness of display, and the number of applicants in each category.
  • April 2025:
    All applicants are notified by email of acceptance or non-acceptance to the show. The decisions of the Jury are final, status WILL NOT be discussed over the phone or via email. Those who were not accepted into the show receive a refund of their booth site fee via the method of their original payment—processed separately from notification.

Failure to follow directions will result in disqualification. Stone Mountain Park reserves the right to refuse any application.
